Prevent Cyberbullying

This Articles contains steps you can take to prevent Cyberbullying, in addition to protecting yourself from it.

Zaid Sajid

1/19/20251 min read

How Can You Help Prevent Cyberbullying?
You may avoid cyberbullying before it even starts by following a few steps.

  1. By using privacy settings to the best of its ability. Look at what you can do to possibly keep private information safe on the websites you visit. You can change your privacy settings on most social media to limit who sees your posts and personal data. It's very important to regularly review these privacy settings because websites sometimes change their privacy rules.

  2. Always think about what you're posting before you post it. Does it contain information you wouldn't normally share with strangers? The internet is basically a crowded room of friends and strangers. Once you let something out, there's no way to bring it back. So don't type anything online that you wouldn't say in public in front of people you don't know.

  3. Don't Share your personal information as much as possible. Personal information is private. Do not post any identifiable information online, including your address, phone number, school, credit card number, etc. There is a purpose for passwords; sharing them with friends is the equivalent of throwing your wallet at both your friends and complete strangers. Only you alone should know your passwords.

  4. Educate others. Is there any policy against cyberbullying in place at your school? You could try talking to school administrators about your concerns. Speak up. Call out your friends who engage in cyberbullying and let them know how hurtful their behavior is. Don't do nothing if you see a friend getting cyberbullied. Discuss it with them and ask an adult for assistance. Your assistance can be exactly what the victim needs to get past the issue.
